With so many breeds and types of dogs it can be hard to know which puppy is the right puppy for you and your family. Considering some of the following factors can be helpful in making a decision:

Size and energy level: Consider the eventual size of the breed, and how much exercise and space they will need. Some large breed dogs, like English Bulldogs, are considered to be low energy and good for smaller space living as it is easy to meet their energy needs. Many smaller breeds are ideally suited to small space living as well.
Maggie's favorite is the Havanese for their laid back temperament, trainability, friendly demeanor, and small size.
Grooming requirements: Some breeds require more grooming than others. So called "hypoallergenic" or "nonshedding" breed types such as shih tzu, bichon frise, poodles, maltese, and yorkshire terriers (to name a few) have fur that is more like human hair. It will continue to grow longer and tangle fairly easily. It is nice because that fur type doesn't shed much at all around the house, but it will require visits to the groomer scheduled regularly throughout the lifetime of those dogs. Double coated breeds like the pomeranian, pekingese, husky, and labrador retriever will require fairly frequent brushing to remove the dead undercoat and allow the dog to properly regulate their body temperature.
Training and temperament: Some breeds, such as golden retrievers, havanese, and cavalier king charles spaniel, can be easier to train than others and are considered to be intelligent, biddable, and eager to please. Some breeds, such as the klee kai or shiba inu, may be more opinionated and stubborn.
Purpose: Consider if you are looking for a companion, a therapy dog, a hunting dog or a guard dog. Some breeds may be more well suited for certain roles. What a dog was bred for over generations will factor in part to their personality quirks. For example, our miniature dachshunds may be many generations away from their hunting dog ancestors, but they still retain the instinct to chase smaller animals.
Observe the puppies together, see how they interact with one another and by extension how they might interact with the other people and pets in your household. Remember, they are young and just figuring out how to interact with the world and need our guidance to help shape a well-rounded personality.
Observe their overall appearance. Does the breed appeal to you? Sometimes the perfect puppy is a matter of the heart <3

It's also essential to meet the puppy before making a final decision, as it will give you an idea about the puppy's personality and behavior! We are always here to help answer any questions you may have about any of our puppies & set up meet and greets.